Yes, we are so behind!! What can I say. Well, this year we stayed home for Easter, but had a great time. The kids had a lot of fun with Easter egg hunting, coloring eggs, and the Easter bunny, who brought bubbles!!
Last Saturday at soccer Jace scored 6 goals!!! He is doing so awesome.
He is also doing great with basketball. Yesterday we found out that Jace could ride his bike without training wheels. He is a natural. He loves to ride his bike.
I love this weather. It is so wonderful to have the kids play outside for a change. They have loved being in the cul-de-sac, that way they can just go crazy in the front yard. (It is more excited out front than the back.) This year has been fun especially to see what will pop up next. The new home is great that way. The previous owners had the yard professionally landscaped and they have all sorts of fun spring flowers. Happy spring to everyone!!!