Dec 9, 2009


Here are the kids decorating the Christmas tree.  They were so excited to do it.  I can't believe that it entertained them for so long.

Our ward, had Santa come and visit the kids at our ward Christmas party. The kids were so excited to sit on his lap and tell him want they want for Christmas.  It was so fun to see them so excited.  Here is a picture of each of them on Santa's lap.


The kids also wanted to write letters to Santa.  So Abbey helped her brothers make their lists of toys for Christmas and we went to Macy's to mail them in their mailbox for Santa.  The kids thought that was the coolest thing to do.  They keep asking if I think Santa has gotten the letters yet.  If I was only young again. 


HawesFam said...

I love the Santa pics. I can't believe how much your kids have grown. How is everything? I feel like we haven't talked in forever, oh that is because we haven't. Are you still enjoying your new house? Hopefully we can see you the next time we are in Utah. By the way, we still make your Carmel popcorn and it is a hit with all of our friends. It has become a staple in our home, thanks for introducing it to us. Hope you guys have a great holiday season and I hope to talk to you soon.


Shanna said...

Cute pictures!